深海潜水調査船がみた頭足類II. 相模湾の巨大イカ

ちりぼたん 36 (2)  P38〜41.
三宅 裕志 ・ 窪寺 恒己 ・ 奥谷 喬司

深海潜水調査船がみた頭足類II. 相模湾の巨大イカ

(1)三宅 裕志, (2)窪寺 恒己, (3)奥谷 喬司

Abstract: Video image of very large squid(ML 1m<)were taken by the ROV Hyper-Dolpin at a depth of 1161m near the bottom of Sagami Bay in March, 2004. It was tentatively identified as Gonatopsis sp.(Gonatidae), and may represent an undesvribed species. It is surprising that the existence of such a large squid in Sagami Bay has not been recorded to data,despite a tremendous amount of sampling and fishing.

2006年10月, 日本貝類学会より転載許可