Hyperlipemia of Captive Bottlenose Dolphins during Pregnancy

The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 67(3) P341〜344.
Fumio TERASAWA and Masakazu KITAMURA

Hyperlipemia of Captive Bottlenose Dolphins during Pregnancy

Fumio TERASAWA(1) and Masakazu KITAMURA(1)
 (1) Enoshima Aquarium

ABSTRACT. In this study values for total cholesterol and triglycerides were measured in 110 blood samples taken from 360 days pre-partum to 90 days post-partum in ten parturitions of six bottlenose dolphins, and in 75 blood samples when the dolphins were not pregnant as a control group. The average total cholesterol values in the second, third and fourth stages and in the puerperium were significantly higher than the average value of the control group by 11.0%, 30.2%, 19.3% and 13.4% respectively. The average triglycerides values for the third and fourth stages and in the puerperium were also significantly higher than those in the control group by 59.7%, 84.3%, and 42.1% respectively.

要約 妊娠期(90日毎4期),産褥期(出産後から90日)のバンドウイルカ(6頭、妊娠10回)110検体の総コレステロール,中性脂肪の変動を検討し、同6頭非妊娠期75検体と比較した.

Received 12-Feb-2004; Accepted 22-Nov-2004
2006年10月, 社団法人日本獣医学会より転載許可