
プランクトン学会報51(2) P127〜131.
三宅 裕志


三宅 裕志

Abstract Studies of deep-sea plankton have progressed rapidly due to the development of deep-sea manned submersibles or ROVs. However our observations of deep-sea plankton are only at limited points during in their life. One method to connect the gaps between these points is the rearing and observation of deep-sea animals.
 In keeping deep-sea plankton it is necessary to make aquarium tank for plankton, cold water with low bacteria concentration and low DO, and special lighting (red LED light with no heat wave). In this paper, sampling and rearing methods, as well as observations of deep-sea shrimp, Bentheogennema borealis, pram bug amphipod, Phronima sedentaria, and hydrozoan are described.
 Especially, deep-sea gelatinous zooplankton have been the subject of much recent investigation. Rearing gelatinous planktons is difficult because they are very fragile and cannot be caught in perfect condition.
However, instead of collecting adult medusae,we can collect and polyps from the deep-sea seafloor throughout the year and use in biological experiments at any time.

2005年6月26日 受付; 2005年8月5日受理
2006年10月, 日本プランクトン学会より転載許可