
VENUS 64(3-4) P199〜201
伊藤 寿茂 ・ 丸山 隆


伊藤 寿茂(1), 丸山隆(2)

Abstract: The availability of the Japanese Japanese eight-barbel loach Lefua echigonia as a host fish for the glochidia of the unionid mussel Pronodularia japanensis was investigated. The hosts to which the glochidia were attached in a paddy field ditch were cultured in tanks (6l,28±0.5℃) for nine days. Glochidia and juveniles that became detached from the hosts were counted daily. Juveniles appeared about six days after glochidia attachment.
L. echigonia is thought to be a suitable host, on which over 10% of attached glochidia metamorphosed to juveniles.

Accepted 26 Septembre 2005
2006年10月, 日本貝類学会より転載許可