プレドニゾロン長期投与中に化膿性肺炎で死亡したバンドウイルカ(Tursiops truncatus)1例

日本野生動物医学会誌 20(4) P75‐P83 (日本野生動物医学会)
寺沢 文男 ・ 櫻木 徹 ・ 野村 綾 ・ 高橋 公正

バンドウイルカ(Tursiops truncatus)1例

寺沢 文男(1) ・ 櫻木 徹(1) ・ 野村 綾(1) ・ 高橋 公正(2)
 (1) 新江ノ島水族館
 (2) 日本獣医生命科学大獣医病理学教室

要 約

Fetal Purulent Pneumonia in a Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus
with Long-Term Prednisolone Administration

Fumio TERASAWA(1), Toru SAKURAGI(1), Aya NOMURA(1) and
Kimimasa TAKAHASHI(2)
 (1) Enoshima Aquarium
 (2) Department of Veterinary Pathology,
   Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University

On day 1, a female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) estimated to be more than 19-years-old, became anorexic and had viscous black feces adhered to its anus. On day 8, prednisolone 120mg (0.45mg/kg) began to be administered. Thereafter, the dolphin was treated in combination with prednisolone and antibiotics over approximately 23 months. Prednisolone was tapered based on the clinical condition, and withdrawn for 49 days from day 72. However, on day 151, the symptoms returned and prednisolone therapy was restarted. Prednisolone therapy, the doses of 0.09-0.92 mg/kg, should have to be continued until its death because whenever the symptoms were relapsed in the course of tapering prednisolone. On day 726, the dolphin died of purulent pneumonia.